Sunday, January 7, 2018

Of Biology, Chemistry and Investments

Unknown to ourselves, we sometimes invest so much on a few relationships - some that bring the best from us and some drawing out our worst. Life has thrown so many abstract examples to observe from all around us..

To draw a financial parallel: Sometimes we invest our hard earned money in safe traditional investments, sometimes we are more willing to take the risk to gamble with uncertainty. At the end it is all still a gamble - depending on where your money is invested. It might be a stock that makes you super rich overnight giving you instant gratification or a stock that tanks teaching you the investment wasn't made with an org that was a good match.

To draw a parallel from a game of cards: you play with the cards you have in your hand, if you win or lose is decided by the cards in the hand of others in the game and how they chose to play their cards. The game of cards is still fun, mysterious and exciting. Never the less, it is still a gamble. Some players bring out the best in each other - its then a rewarding, fulfilling game and it does not matter who won or lost. And with some others, its just a game that brought out the worst from each other. We win some, and we lose some - its all on the cards you played and your partner played with you.

To draw a parallel from basic chemistry in nature: One of my fav examples from the years has been from something as basic as natural chemistry -
Hydrogen and Oxygen come together to make something as peaceful and beautiful as water, so viscous in nature that the elements stick together through the worst of tides and storms. Even when part of the elements separate out by rough winds, tides, crashing against majestic rigid rock formations or molten lava being spewed into itself - tearing individual elements of water apart from each other, they still fall right back after all the struggles and stick together. What a beautiful, ideal coming together of 2 basic elements.
However the same Hydrogen when brought together with Helium or Uranium or a slight variation of its own self can cause something utterly devastating and destructive - atom bombs, hydrogen bombs that can show their impact for generations worth deformities or a black hole that is a void so strong it can swallow up the brightest and largest of stars without a trace of the stars prior brilliance left in the entire cosmos.

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